Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gettin' my retroactive on

So, silly me, I forgot that there was a goddamned WIKI on RIFT.  So, uh, it appears that my impressions and screenshots and shit are all legal to talk to you about.  Damn, I feel like an idiot.  Then again, it's not anything new.  I'll be uploading comments, descriptions, etc that I sent to only a few select friends, and postmark them the date I sent them.

In other news, I'm having fun cooking with wine.  I've made both a roast beef and a roast pork, made with a red and white marinade, respectively.  However, instead of discarding the marinade, like it's suggested, I simply add it as a 'broth' in the roaster, to give it flavour.  This makes the roast wonderfully tender.  The roast pork just came out of the oven, and while it's delicious, it's still bleeding a bit.  So, not quite done.

Tomorrow, I'll probably hold a discourse on this goddamned piece of yarn that invaded my room yesterday.

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